Vehicle Updates


Tesla Supercharger Access Coming Soon, Navigation Improvements To Ease Your Travels, Room Entry And Exit Enhancements, and Additional Improvements
Read More →2024.07.02


Quick Controls, Individual Passenger Window Locking, Ride Feel & Ride Height Improvements, Gear Guard’s Late-Night Adventure, and Additional Improvements
Read More →2024.03.02


Quick Controls, Individual Passenger Window Locking, Ride Feel & Ride Height Improvements, Gear Guard’s Late-Night Adventure, and Additional Improvements
Read More →2024.03


Additional Improvements – In vehicles equipped with a specific accelerator pedal version, addressed a rare issue in which the vehicle may have inconsistent standstill behavior or may not go to sleep.
Read More →2023.46.01


Highway Assist Reengagement After Lane Change, Navigation Add Stops Along Your Route, Navigation Improved ETA And Route Selection, Mobile Add Stops And Save Trips, Service Mode, and Improvements
Read More →2023.46