PSA for Price Voucher Holders – time is running out!

This is a Public Service Announcement for customers who have a Rivian pre-order price voucher and have not used it to purchase or lease a Rivian R1 vehicle: time is running out.
Per Rivian guidelines, for customers to take advantage of the pre-order price voucher, you must take DELIVERY by September 30, 2024. You may want to read that again, it says that you must take delivery before the end date of September 30. With the average delivery time of a new R1 being between 1-6 weeks, I wouldn’t wait much longer to order your new Rivian.
You can utilize the pre-order pricing voucher for either leasing or purchasing. If you purchase a vehicle, the voucher will be applied. If you lease a vehicle, the leasing promotion will be applied.
NOTE: These offers may not be combined with other offers and incentives unless otherwise permitted by Rivian.
Something else to take into consideration is that there are now very limited variants of R1T and R1S in the R1 Shop, so if you’re waiting for the Tri-Motor Gen 2 variant, you are going to be out of luck.
Check out the R1 Shop today and get your order in.