Kammok Crosswing Awning Install & Review on Rivian R1T

In this video, I walk you through the entire install process of the Kammok Crosswing Awning on my Rivian R1T and share my first impressions of the product. If you’ve been looking for a quick-deploy awning for your truck, this might be one of the best options out there.

Many more videos coming soon where I put the Crosswing to the test in real-world conditions! Stay tuned for those. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions.

Find the Kammok Crosswing Awning open the Rivian Gear Shop for $1,300.

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  1. With my set up, I find my OVS awning creates more wind noise than the RTT/solar panel set up. Mine’s a little further out to the side because of the tent, so perhaps that pushes it out into moving air more, idk. Curious what your wind noise is like.

  2. Also curious about wind noise. I would be strapping this on and leaving it there, if wind noise difference is significant that will factor in big time with my decision to purchase

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